Cole Imperi

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“I’m Grieving” Button Presale

We’re doing a dedicated presale through July 12, 2024 of my “I’m Grieving” buttons. You get a generous discount on larger quantities of buttons, and an increase in button orders will help me scale this part of my company!

Buttons individually are $6, but here’s the specifics of this sale:

• it runs through July 12, 2024 (and is live now!)

• buttons won’t ship to you until August

• you can order buttons in increments of 6, 12, or 24.

• 24 buttons are normally $144. During the presale, they are $99. That’s $4.13/button vs $6/button.

• 12 buttons are normally $72. During the presale, they are $50. That’s $4.17/button, vs $6/button.

• 6 buttons are normally $36. During the presale, they are $30. That’s $5/button, vs $6/button.

Thank you for supporting my work. I hope the sale offers enough of a price break that it lets you stock up. This is one of the most common messages we get—requests for larger quantities so deathworkers or those in grief support roles can keep a stash of ‘em at home. If you are a hospice, funeral home, or grief counselor—now is the time to place your order for a restock!

You can order through the School of American Thanatology’s bookstore here.