Book Review: Musings with the Angel of Death by Simcha Paull Raphael

Simcha Paull Raphael is *the* voice for where Judaism and Thanatology intersect. He wrote the famous book Jewish Views of the Afterlife (which just had an update for its 25th anniversary). All deathworkers should have that text, in my opinion.

Dr. Raphael has also written a number of smaller books as part of the Jewish Life, Death, and Transition Series. The newest addition to this series is called Musings with the Angel of Death' and features poems of love, life, and longing. I describe this as an open-hearted, richly-textured collection of poetry, a grounded meditation on life, love, and loss.

I first met Simcha in 2016/2017 and his work through his Da'at Institute has had a major impact on my work as a thanatologist. Another book in this series I reference regularly is The Grief Journey and the Afterlife.

These are several of the books in the series. Note my post its as I reference these texts quite a bit!

Cole Imperi

Cole Imperi is a triple-certified thanatologist, a two-time TedX speaker, and one of America’s experts on death, dying and grief. She is best known for her work pioneering the fields of Thanabotany and Deathwork (which includes Death Companioning) and through her development of Shadowloss, Shadowlight and Dremains. Cole is the founder of the School of American Thanatology, which has students from 20 countries across 12 timezones. Cole has worked as a chaplain-thanatologist in a jail, mortuary college professor, crematory operator, hospice volunteer, grief support group leader for children as young as 3 to adults, and served on the board of a green burial startup. Cole served as the first female Board President of the 178-year-old Historic Linden Grove Cemetery & Arboretum in Covington, Kentucky, works with death-related businesses through her consulting firm, Doth, and publishes death and loss-related content. Her forthcoming book, A Guide to Your Grief, will be published by Kids Can Press in 2024.

The Curious Spirit • Issue 005


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